But we have nothing on a kid who was unlucky enough to fly a JetBlue redeye from Oregon to New York.
If you haven't heard this story yet, prepare for a doozy.
A teenage passenger on a JetBlue redeye was detained after landing because he peed on an 11-year old girl during the flight. The New York Post tells it like this:
The youngster was traveling with her sister and dad, and had been left alone for a few minutes while the others used the lavatories. Robert Vietze, 18, of South Warren, Vt., stumbled from his seat five rows behind her and emptied his bladder, a witness said.
"I was drunk, and I did not realize I was pissing on her leg..." He later claimed to have consumed eight alcoholic beverages.Yeah, uh, OK.
There are a bunch of obvious issues here, but the thing we loved most about the initial version of the story was the phrase embedded in the URL for the NY Post story:
Creep in Jet Stream
Once we were done laughing we logged back in to Interwebs to discover that the nocturnal emitter in question was a member of the US Ski Team, now an ex-member of the US Ski Team.
Insert "US Pee Team" joke here.
To be continued, we are certain.